Wednesday, October 21, 2020

More home crossfit + yoga

 I did a quick WOD today just to get in some exercise, which I followed with a 25 minute stretchy yoga class. I also walked a mile, so that counts as exercise as well.  When you combine it, it's real.

The WOD for two days ago was:

40 Kettle Bell Swings
30 Box Jumps
20 Shoulder to OverHead
30 Box Jumps
40 Kettle Bell Swings

I borrowed a kettle bell from my upstairs neighbor which was 35 pounds, and for the shoulder to overhead I used my 20 pound weight. For the box jumps, I used a tree stump in the park across the street - I would say it was about a foot high. It took me about 12 minutes and 20 seconds, with several long pauses in that time for me to breathe (totally allowed).

I was thinking about going for a run, but really didn't want to, and then realized that a WOD is probably just as good, and involves less running. After, I did a yoga with Adriene that was mostly stretching and felt really good.

Tomorrow I'm actually going into work! It will be my third day since March 13. I will go in one more time this semester, but I'm thinking I may not in the spring. I thought some of my coworkers might be there too, but they aren't. And, it's so hard getting up, showering, getting in the car.... How did I used to do that every day? And, how will I do it again??

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