Friday, May 29, 2015

Davis Square Run

Today I worked from my Friday office, also known as Diesel Cafe. I love summer Fridays!  After work I decided that I would go for a run on the bike path to Alewife, then around to the Cemetery on Broadway, and back down College Ave.  Of course I took a wrong turn and wound up in Arlington, but in the end it was still about the same distance as I was planning, 3.6 miles, which I did in 38 min and 32 sec, for a 10 min 38 sec mile.  There was a certain amount of hill, so I felt OK about my pace.

Only 4 runs this month is a little lame.  But I did do another big hike last weekend, 10.3 miles, with 2700 feet of elevation gain.  No black flies, which made it way more pleasant.  The one thing that wasn't so nice is that there were 4, that's right, FOUR false peaks.  Which is just mean.  The hike was by Diana's Baths in North Conway, the North Moat Hike.  After I stayed at my friends Greta and Eric's, and then Sunday we went climbing.  We did this 3.5 pitch climb in Whitehorse called Hotter than Hell.  It was 5.7-5.9, but there was a huge crack at the top.  An easy crack, but waaaay the fuck up, when I was totally terrified.  And I don't climb crack.  Only, now I do because I really wanted to get off that cliff :)  I was so scared.  Meh.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Memorial Day

It's not Memorial Day yet, but they have this display of flags up on the Boston Common, apparently one for every American killed in battle since the Revolutionary War.  It's a lot of flags.  Someone had put a pic up on FB, which reminded me that it's not just a long weekend.  So, I thought it would be nice to run by and see it.

I got caught in some really bad traffic and was sitting there thinking that I should just park and run to the Common, since I was close enough, if I could find a space.  Then I looked next to me and was like, "wait, that's a space right next to me."  Of course I almost didn't believe it, because there were actually two spots there, and what were the odds?  But really it was parking!  It actually turned out to be kind of a good thing that I parked at a meter because I can't find my watch again, so I had to go by the meter time.  I was gone from the car for about 26 min, but there were a lot of lights, and I did stop for about 30 sec at the flags, so I guessed I was running for about 22 min.  Total run was about 2.09 miles, which is kind of short, but I was really hungry.

The flags were sad.  Why can't we just stop killing each other?

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Passed Someone!

I thought I was the slowest on the Esplanade today, but then it turned out I was the second slowest, I passed the slowest :)  It was a beautiful day so I went for an after work run on the Charles.  I thought I had found a spot in the same area on Mass Ave, but this woman in the car was sitting there texting, and there was a cop right in front who was knocking on people's windows and pulling them over, so I figured that I better not lurk and block traffic.  I went around the block, though, and found another awesome parking place that was in MIT, about a block from Mass Ave, pretty close to where I got lost the time I got lost trying to take a short cut.

I decided to go towards the Longfellow instead of over Mass Ave first, to go in the loop in the opposite direction, and it turned out to be an awesome idea!  As I was coming to the Longfellow I realized what a pain it would be to get to it, with the construction, and then I thought, "I can just go one more bridge, to the Museum of Science."  Turns out it's a lot easier to decide that in minute 8 or so of the run than in minute 20 or so.  So, that's what I did!  I did the MOS/Mass Ave loop, which wound up being 4.1 miles.  I ran the entire way (slowly), no stopping.  It took me pretty much exactly 45 minutes, which was about an 11 min mile.

Since it was so nice out, the whole world was on the Esplanade, it was so nice being out there!  There were people flying a kite (it kept getting caught in a tree), runners, walkers, bikers, dog walkers, kids, skateboarders, sailboats.... The trees are all green, and there are flowers everywhere, there were like 5 different blues, the water, sky, Prudential.  Since I was running a little slow, I felt awesome, breathing was good, no cramps.  Yeah, good day.

I did training hike #3 last weekend, 10.3 miles, all covered in black flies.  Not the most fun hike I've ever done, though it would be nice if it were less buggy.  Pawtuckaway was the area, there was climbing and camping there too, good place.

I notice that I'm coming up towards my 200th run-a-versary.  9 more runs.  I don't even know if there's anything that I need.  I'm sure I'll find something at Athleta for a celebration :)

Friday, May 8, 2015

Spring is here

Did my second Machu Picchu training hike last weekend. The Meetup posting said it was 6 miles, but my fitbit said I had walked 9.  We were walking for about 5 hours with a few breaks, so I'm guessing maybe 8?  It wasn't the fastest hike ever, more downhill than up (big group so we were able to park cars at the end), and one of the hikers got sick mid-route and vomited (not me, thank heaven, that would suck).  It was in western-isn Mass, really nice trail with waterfalls!  I'm doing another hike tomorrow with the same group at Pawtuckaway in NH that also looks pretty nice.  It looks hillier, and maybe 10 miles?

Even though I'm hiking tomorrow, I still had to go for a run today.  It's the 8th and I hadn't been yet this month. Lame! I did my little loop at home, which it's been forever since I've done. It's much hillier than what I've been running, which I guess is good for me to do.  I was puffing away, though, that's for sure.  In the end I did 3.1 miles in 32 min 37 sec, with a couple pauses for traffic (which of course I enjoyed) which is like a 10 and a half minute mile.  It felt like I was running really slow, so I was glad to map it out and see that it wasn't that bad.  Of course, I walked up my hill in the end.

It was graduation today at work. Sadly, no LL Cool J this year, but we had David Muir.  He's some news dude who I'd never actually heard of before.  He was good, though.  Then I came home and took a nap :)