Thursday, November 22, 2012


Tough day today, and no reason for it.  I spent the morning watching the Thanksgiving Parade and the National Dog show (the Wire Fox Terrier won.  I'm sure it's a nice dog, but can't they choose a real dog to win?) and downloading running music to my iTouch.  Even with music for the first time, it was hard to get moving.  Anyhow, I pushed through it, though I felt crampy again.  Research necessary. Walking parts felt much better than the running ones.  2.45 ish miles today.

At the end of the run I was doing the last 3 minutes of walking when I noted the basketball court across the street from my place was full of kids playing ball.  Nothing like a little humiliation to help you to pick it up - I ran the stairs at the elementary school.  Should have counted, maybe 35?  But they are little tiny elementary school sized ones.  Stairs, good for sprints.  Maybe I'll try the ones by the highschool if I'm ever that in shape.

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