Six days from now the big race will be over - I hope it goes better than last year. I've been doing some practice swims, one or two a week, and they seem to be improving. Today I actually felt like I was able to swim with a little technique! I really didn't want to go for a swim today, in fact I was really close to bailing on the whole thing and not going to the lake. I finally talked myself into going by telling myself that I could just dip around and maybe climb on the ice shelf, I didn't need to swim. When I got there, in my head I was not going, but then I just put in my ear plugs and goggles, just in case. And when I got in the water I just did it. And it was fine.
There is still a lot of ice - I went last night for what really was just a dip, and the dock we usually go in from was clear of ice on both sides. Today, though, it was iced all the way up to one side and we couldn't go in that way. On the other side was a flock of geese, and I didn't want to bother them, so I went in the far side of the dock. I got in the water, breathed for a few breaths, and then just went for it. I counted 160 strokes with each arm, which should be about 200 meters, and then got out.
Of course when I started swimming I was focused on breathing and how cold my face was. Once I got used to it, though, I really worked on reaching with my arm, getting a good catch and pulling strong. I noticed I was moving my arms more slowly, but I think I swam faster. It felt good, and I was glad that I could pay attention to my swim stroke while in the cold water (according to my watch it was 35). After, I warmed up a little, chatted with the two other people who went for a couple minutes, but we quickly decided to get in our nice warm cars and go home.
I got a little shivery on the drive and came home and decided that a shower was in order. The shower felt so nice, especially on my feet - I flipped the thing so that the tub didn't drain and got to stand in a pool of hot water. It was an excellent idea which I will continue in the future.
There is a big storm coming today, it just started snowing and is supposed to snow all night, then turn to freezing rain, then just rain. It sounds like it will be a full day thing, so I have plans to spend tomorrow on the couch with a book :). Monday is a holiday, and hopefully things will clear up to allow a final dip before the event.
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