Sunday, January 19, 2025

Back to the Ice Shelf

It was pretty warm last night and today, so the ice shelf was a little thinner, but still we swam out and enjoyed it. It was fun to be out there with two other people, though I was a little nervous about the thinness of the ice and our weights together. We did a little dancing around and photos, and then went to get off - as I got down on my stomach the ice I was on broke off and I just sank into the water. 

When I got back to shore I realized that I'd cut my knees up - they were dripping blood. I didn't really have anything to wrap them up in, so I just stopped the bleeding and got dressed. When I got home, they were pretty gnarly, but honestly didn't hurt much.
It's supposed to snow tonight and then we are having a polar vortex, so lots more time to play on the ice shelf I hope!

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