Welp, we did it again. How stupid were we to think that a bi-racial woman could beat a felon? This time I'm just not going to engage with the drama. I haven't been on the news or social media, and I'm planning to take at least a week off. There were some teary folks at work today, but mostly everyone was resigned. We did get free lunch, so that was something.
I met a friend at the climbing gym after work. We went to metrorock in littleton, which actually isn't my favorite because it's very overhung, but it's close to my friend and she's a member. She did get me in for free, so there's that. I did mostly 5.8's and I could not get over a single overhang. I need to do more lifting!
I got home and discovered my cat had thrown up all over the couch. Yup, that about sums it up, Tigger.
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