I've been wanting to hike Welch-Dickey for the past few weekends, but I keep oversleeping or not sleeping, etc. But, today we "fall back," and so I had an extra hour in the day, perfect for sleeping in and taking a hike. It was a good one!
I got up at like 8, ate breakfast and thought that I would just bail and go climbing, but as I was eating I started feeling more energetic, and by the end of my coffee I was all in. I made sweet potato tofu veggie burgers yesterday, and packed one, in a bun, for lunch. On the drive up I stopped at a rest area, and snagged some condiments for it :). Anyhow, even though I left a little later, I knew it would be OK because it's just a little less than 2 hours drive, and a 4.4 mile hike.

The parking area now has a credit card machine to pay for parking - crazy! It took forever for it to verify my card, though. Not a lot of signal I would guess. Anyhow, I paid and got all geared up and headed out. I wore my North Face hiking pants, my Smart Wool long sleeve top and a tshirt, and I carried Big Puff and an extra pair of pants. As I started hiking I got pretty warm, and actually pushed up the sleeves of my shirt - it was sunny and a beautiful day out! It took about an hour and a half to get to the top of Welch - as always it was a really pretty climb, and kind of intense at the top, but with really nice slab. I had to stop and breathe and listen to my heart a fair amount close to the top. One I got up, I admired the view and ate a snack. There was actually no one up there with me, and I admired the view and the sound of the wind. It was cold, and I put on big puff.

I remembered that the steepest downhill was right after the top of Welch - it was pretty steep, but less so than I remembered. I think the last time I went it had rained a bit, which would have made a huge difference in the slipperiness. Dickey is so pretty, with these pine trees and moss, and then more slab and really nice downhills that are slabby. For some reason, though, they were a little stingy with the trail marks, I kept wondering if I was on the right path, and eventually finding a blaze, but there were a few times I wasn't sure I was on track.

There's a really nice ledge where I like to stop on Dickey - I sat and admired how far I had come, even though it's not really a big hike. I ate my veggie burger with mustard, ketchup and relish, and enjoyed listening to the wind and watching the view. After that it was just a mile down.

I was planning to go to a nearby lake for a dip after, but right at the start I saw a couple pools in the stream that goes close to the trailhead, and decided that I could probably take my dip right there, and not have to drive out of the way, or walk far. I changed in the parking lot and headed into the woods. The pool I chose was about two feet deep and probably big enough to fit 2-3 people. The water was really cold! I brought my fish-momiter, and it said the water was about 45. I kind of crouched/sat for 5 minutes, and felt pretty good about that. My hands were really cold, but the rest of me felt fine, chilly but fine. I put on my dry robe and got changed at my car.

I looked at my time for the last time I did Welch-Dickey and it was pretty much exactly the same as this time! All and all a successful hike. I'm glad I got off my lazy butt and went. Tuesday is election day - I've been avoiding the news, but it's going to be an intense week coming up. Might need a hike next weekend too.