I was getting so hungry by this point, I had to stop and have a snack - I had a bunch of nuts which were very good. As I got to the top, I saw this woman, wearing jeans and very new boots, she was moving even slower than me - I actually passed her! I got to the ridge in about 3 hours. I do like a good ridgeline usually, but I was so hungry I wasn't sure I could make it to the top without eating - and in fact after realizing that what I thought was the summit of West Lafayette was a false summit, I had to sit and eat some sugar. Then I made it up West Lafayette where I had a cheese sandwich with avocado, a pickle, and some more nuts. I was so hungry I was shaky, and for a bit I thought about not going to the top. But then I remembered that I had climbed Lafayette for my 50th, and I'm going to have my 55th (how did 5 years go so fast?) in two weeks. And I was all "Is that it? 55 and I can't do these hikes?" So of course I had to, and I was so glad I did! It wasn't that hard to get to the top, the view was amazing - there were all these puffy clouds that were so low you could almost touch them - but not really. As I was eating a glider plane flew overhead and it was just so nice. I love how you can see the hut on Lafayette, and it looks so small. I hung around for an hour or so up top between the two summits (I had an orange on Lafayette, and it was delicious!) then I headed down.
Down was so much easier for me on this one - the trail wasn't too rocky, and I used my parkour skills on the rocks there were. I didn't move particularly fast, but I outpaced this guy who was behind me. Except, I ran out of water! Not good - I had my water filter and all, but I had to hike a full mile to get to any water, and then my filter didn't work! It's a new one - I guess it's possible that I wasn't using it right, but not sure how that could be. I was really sad - the water was just trickling out. I got a little to drink, but not as much as I wanted. By the time I really had a water bottle full, I was about a mile from my car, and decided not to get it all filtered. When I got back to the car it was in the sun and the one bottle of water I had was so hot I couldn't drink it. I stopped at a convenience store and got lemonade and an ice cream pop. They were really good.
All and all a good hike for a day that you don't want to be around others, but want to do Lafayette. I think I might go back to the traditional route to do it again.
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