Saturday, July 17, 2021

Parkour updates

Parkour's been going really well! Coach showed us this new way to balance between the basketball hoop pole and the wall behind it, and now we all hang out there after class and goof around. My latest effort is The Thinker. :)  My balances on the rails are so much better, I can walk the full rail and make the whole way more often than I fall! I've started doing some that are higher - like 3 feet up - and I can do them too! The only thing is that I need something to hold onto to start. I've also been pretty consistent with my lazy vaults in two spots. Just have to branch out at some point. 

New goal, handstand!

A few weeks ago we were practicing going between points on the side of the school, and I realized that I could climb up one of the trees there. It's pretty high to the bottom branch, like five feet, but if you stand on this nice flat wide cement railing it's not hard to reach over to it and get up. Once I got up, of course, I was like "wait, how do I get down? Maybe someone needs to call the fire department?" But then coach talked me through it, and it was totally easy; I could do it by myself!

On Tuesday I went climbing again at metrorock, which was awesome! I hadn't been in way too long, I had been planning to go with a meetup, but at the last minute just didn't have the energy. I actually climbed a 5.10c! With three rests on not a super tall wall, but whatever. It wasn't an easy one, but it also wasn't overhung, which really helped. I think the fact that I've lost almost 10 pounds (9 pounds to be specific, that last pound so that I can say 10 pounds is coming off soooo slowly) makes a difference, but also all the parkour is helping. I was hoping to lose at least 3 more pounds, but it's not happening fast. I guess at this point, even if I only lose a pound a month, that would be OK. 
We are headed back to work in person in six weeks. I only have to go in three days a week, which isn't so bad, but still I'm dreading the commute, wearing pants, packing a lunch, getting up at 6:30 am...

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