Sunday, February 14, 2021


We did some good exercises in parkour that I want to remember - some fun and some that I think will be good for me. One was going up the handicapped ramp with hands on one metal bar and feet on the other, in an upside down V. Very tough on the arms (my weakest part!). I couldn't get all the way up, which made me sad. Definitely will work on that one until I can do it. We also did some jumping on the logs and I got all freaked out because there was snow on them, and a line of people behind me. At the end of class I finally brushed most of the snow off, and then I did it 3 times. But, I was annoyed with myself. And, we climbed on the shipping container and made snowmen. Which was pretty fun :)

For my PT exercises we added supermans, but only one leg at a time, slowly, and making sure that my hip is on the floor. And, really it's just the leg that I'm lifting, not the arms. When I really focus, I can feel my pelvis on the floor as my leg lifts, which is the right way to do the exercise. Also, we did the leg lift standing up - stand on one foot, lift the other to the side without leaning to one side or dropping the hip. It's super easy to do them with leaning and dropping the hip, but without, so hard.

At the end I am meant to stretch for 30 seconds on each leg x 2 - hamstring stretches. Which makes sense since my hamstrings are so tight!

I really notice how doing these exercises carefully makes a difference over doing them willy nilly, as it were. It makes me wonder how much more I could get from yoga if I did it more precisely. I'm going to do a little work on yoga form to see if I can make some improvements. Probably starting with updog, since I never really get a good stretch with it.

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