I had a parkour breakthrough today! I've been doing parkour for almost a year now, so maybe I should have had this breakthrough before now, but whatever. I've been meeting this friend to practice at the school across the street once or twice a week, and we've been sort of goofing off, whatever, trying things. I had been working on different vaults, and I tried a speed vault in class last week, without much success. I watched a video or two on the technique, and I was trying to do it over a tree that they have that's lying on its side - it's a couple feet tall and by a nice soft dirt landing. At one point I wasn't thinking too hard about it, and I just ran (stepped a little fast) and did it. And I was so shocked because it totally turned out! And then I had to do it again about 10 times to prove I could really do it, and it wasn't an accident. Then I tried on another tree, and I actually found it to be a bit low. I think this is something I can work on and have become one of "my" vaults, like the step vault that I once found scary but now love!
Yesterday was a kind of surreal day because a bunch of Trump supporters stormed the capitol building in Washington. I saw a few doing moves that looked like climbing and parkour, with not bad technique. But, holy cow! It was crazy to watch!! It seemed like a weird mix of people, some who were so angry and really scary looking, some who were apparently smoking pot and chilling, and some who looked like they were on a tour of the building and stayed within the boundaries of where you are meant to walk. Meanwhile, over 4000 people died because of covid, and it barely made the news, and there aren't enough resources to get the vaccines out effectively. We are so out of focus and off course. Thank heaven we will have a new president in less than two weeks. I'll probably do a speed vault to celebrate :)
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