And my first ski fall since I started skiing again, but it was fine.
I went back to Nashoba again today. Because of COVID you have to sign up early for your spot, which is a good thing, but also not so good. Today was really really cold, one of the coldest days of the winter so far. I layered up a lot, including tights, snow pants, base layer top, pull over, and jacket, turtle fleece neck warmer, mask, gloves, helmet, goggles. I had hand warmers and probably should have used them (but they were in the car, and I was lazy).
I'm starting to feel a little more comfortable on skis - I think I need to work on my comfort with going faster and feeling like I'm in control. Oh yes, and actually being in control when I go faster. I do feel like I'm moving down the mountain with a bit more speed.
Because it was so cold there weren't a lot of people there (I assume that's why it was so empty) and so a lot of the slopes were pretty opened, which was really nice! As I got a couple hours into my ski time, I tried this trail called "dog patch" which is next to the black diamonds. The black diamond lift is the best to take up from dog patch and, as I went up, I realized how empty the slopes were, and how short. So, I decided to go for it! It wasn't pretty. There were a lot of snow plow turns and me reminding myself of the "C" shape turns out loud, but I got down! After doing it once, I felt like I could do it again, so I did. Then I figured third time is a charm, and went down again. After the third I decide to ski something that I could actually ski, rather than work my way down, and went back to the blue square. I was feeling so good about myself and my amazing ability and that's when I fell. Ha! Take that ego. Anyhow, it didn't hurt and I was able to get up again, so all is well.
Towards the end I was sitting on the lift deciding if I was done, and I though "I can still feel my fingers, there must be time for one more run." I wound up staying for the full 4 hours - it was great!
So, big + for doing a black diamond, but I'm not going down a "real" black diamond in the near future - I am aware that these are a bit easier than your standard diamond.