I decided that if I was going to do the fells, I should try doing the Skyline. Happily I could look back in the blog and see that I had done it in four hours and 20 minutes, which seemed reasonable. Of course, I was not thinking about heat. When I got home from my walk, it was 91 out - this was at 4 pm. So, it was hot out!
It started as a fun hike. I actually got parking in one of the more popular areas (now I know why, no one wants to hike in 91+ degree weather. I started out feeling warm, but also good. I saw a couple woodpeckers, which was cool! And, I only got off track once. After about an hour I started feeling hot and tired, but kept on trucking for another 45 minutes or so, when I decided I was pooped and should look at the map. Fortunately I had gone around the reservoirs in the way that left the tower for the end - but I was able to take a short cut and skip the tower area. In the end I did about 3 hours, taking the skyline to the reservoir. I got back to my car and was so happy to sit and turn on the AC!
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