I put together my own workout today, with 20 minutes of yoga with adrienne, my one mile run around the block, and some lifting. It's not exactly crossfit, but I wanted to use my new all trails app to record my run around the block. I wasn't really excited about running, but I balanced my lack of enjoyment with getting to record my new route, and so it wasn't so bad. It turns out that the loop is 1.12 miles with 46 feet of elevation gain. I didn't think that I was moving very fast today, and I wasn't - I ran 11:25 mile pace, which is slow. Also, I was wearing my yoga pants and they were falling down a lot, which didn't help my speed. But, I did still get out and run, so that's something.
Friday, August 28, 2020
First map downloads
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Around Owls Head to 13 Falls
- Camp at 13 Falls
- Hike around Owls Head

Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Home Crossfit - Benchmark WOD Half Cindy
I did my first real-ish crossfit class at home today, and it really sucked. I'm in such bad shape! I really need to do crossfit badly. We'll have to see how I feel tomorrow, if my entire body hurts.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Parkour and a little lifting
I did the outdoor parkour today, super fun! I'm always sort of questioning if it's really a good workout, but this guy threw up in class today, which he said was because he hadn't worked out for a while. So, it's at least a hard enough work out :)
We did some fun drills where we climbed the side of a ramp, and over a rail, ran and touched a wall, and returned. Then, we tried to do it in fewer steps. I started by sliding over the rail, and then was like "I think I can do a step vault over this." So, I tried it, and in fact I could do it! After, we did some jumping. There are these stumps in the park that you can jump to. For a while I've wanted to jump from the platform, over one stump to the next. But I have a total mental block about it. So, I worked on that, and did it! Of course, it wasn't hard at all once I tried it.
After class I came home and decided to get my weight lifting in. I feel like my arms really need work, so I did strict press and push press: 3 strict, 3 push, every minute on the minute for 10 minutes. I started with 10 pounds for each hand for the first one, but that was easy, so I moved to 15 for the remaining 9 rounds, which was harder.
Klem and Mack
Because it's shorter and there isn't as much elevation gain, I decided to start a little later. I got to the parking lot around 11:30, and it was a little problem because it's a really small parking lot - only space for like 5 cars. There was a little space to the side, so I was able to park, and head out.
I went up Klem first (wonder where it got the name?) and it was a really nice hike up. I saw that it was .7 mile to the top, so I knew it would take a little while, even though it looked like the mountain was just a hill right there. Klem had a really nice viewpoint of Lake Winnipesaukee, so I sat and ate half my lunch (sour dough bread with cheese and pringles). I don't know why I have never discovered real sour dough bread before, but it's amazing! I'm sort of thinking about starting my own starter, but I feel that would be dangerous. Anyhow, I spent a while going up the mountain pondering the important question "should I eat chips now and sandwich later, or sandwich now and chips later?" Brilliantly, I came up with the idea of eating half of each, though when I sat down to eat the other half, the chips were a little broken, and the sandwich kind of crumbly.
Anyhow, after Klem, I went over to Mack, which was a little less nice because it has a cell phone tower on top. I hiked down and to the pond. By this point my feet were a little sore, and I thought "stick them in the pond, it will be so refreshing!" which I did. And, it was not refreshing. First, the water was actually pretty warm and second, as I took my feet out I found a leach trying to lodge itself on my left foot. Eww. Not a fan of leaches. I dried off, hiked around the pond, and sat in a pretty view spot airing my feet and eating the rest of my sandwich/chips. The way out was pretty fast, it took about an hour, and was fun. I got back to my car with my feet only a little sore, and me only a little tired! Perfect hike length! When I got back to the lot there was something on my windshield, and I was like "really, a ticket?" because the lot is up this dirt road that's a little sketchy. Then I thought someone hit me and left a note. But, I was relieved to find that it was just someone telling me that it wasn't a parking space. Phew!
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Home Crossfit
It's really hot out today, it went up to 91, but I decided that if I never work out in the heat, I will never work out. It's so hot here now! I'm very sad that we can't take global warming seriously. Anyhow, I decided to run a mile (1.14 miles, to be specific) and then do some weight lifting. Of course I didn't enjoy the run very much, but I finally remembered to bring my iPod Shuffle, and that made it a little better. I left home at 6:20, according to my fitbit I started running at 6:21. I got held up at a light for about 30 to 45 seconds (which I thoroughly enjoyed) and I finished at 6:32. Which, for me is pretty fast! About a a ten and a half minute mile. I felt pretty good as I was running, at least the slightly downhill parts, and knowing that I was only going to go a mile really helped.
After, I got home and decided to do some lifting. I looked at the crossfit WOD from my old gym and they had squat clean and jerk. I decided that was a good one because I do want to get my legs stronger as well as arms/core, and squats are good for that. I wound up using just one dumbell, holding it outside the weights at the edges. I did every minute on the minute for 12 minutes - the first round I did 20 pounds, which wasn't that hard. The remaining 11 rounds I did 35, which started out fine and got more and more challenging. By the end my arms were shaking a little, but I was glad I made it through all the rounds.
My boss at work gave her notice on Monday. She feels she has no room for growth, which is probably true. I'm sad about it, and was initially assigned to report to my least favorite person in the office, while all her other reports were assigned to someone else. I scheduled a meeting with my boss, and was like "I would be so desolate to be separated from the team," and got moved away from the evil bitch. Victory for me!
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Fells Skyline Trail
Friday, August 7, 2020
Ran a mile, plus Deadlifts
I ran near the garden in Cambridge, down by the Harvard museums, past the divinity school, and then into one of the neighborhoods there. It had the advantage of being flat, which is something that I appreciate when running. I got a little turned around, which frequently happens in Cambridge. So, I think that I ran about 1 mile, then realized where I was an ran another .1 mile. Then I walked back to the garden. It took me 18 minutes for the whole thing, but I think about 10 and a half minutes for the mile. Not completely sure. This running is making me want a new fitbit that has a stopwatch. But I'm not going to get one. Also, I think I should run there again, it was nice (and flat).
After I ran and had some water, I gardened for about a half hour. I have a certain amount of grass in my plot, so I worked on pulling that. The thing that seems to grow best is kale, which I'm sure is very good for me, but not so delicious.
When I got home I wanted to do a little weight lifting, so I did deadlifts to see if I could life all the weights that I got. And I could! I did:
2 rounds at 40 pounds
2 rounds at 50 pounds
1 round at 60 pounds
1 round at 70 pounds
70 pounds felt heavy, but I thought I could do more. But wasn't sad that I didn't have more weights and couldn't.
I'm going to Maine for the day tomorrow with a couple of friends. They both wanted to eat inside at a restaurant, which to me is just an unnecessary risk during covid. I think I'm going to make a new Red Sox mask for the day :)
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Home Crossfit
I'm really enjoying parkour, but it's not a super athletic or weight bearing exercise, at least not the way I do it. I was reading about how important weight lifting is, and remembering that I did like the lifting part of crossfit, and then thought, why not get some weights and lift at home? It turns out that everyone else has been thinking that. So, easier said than done. I did finally get lucky at play it again sports, thought they weren't used weights, they were new ones (so more expensive. But, I haven't been paying much in gym fees these days....) I got dumbells instead of a barbell, since they are easier to store in my tiny place. The bars way about 5 pounds, and then for weights I got 7.5, 5 and 2.5. I had to get 4 of each because you have to balance your sides, but I think that was a good amount. That's a total of 60 pounds, plus the barbells gives me 70 pounds to play with, which is plenty for me for everything but deadlifts (or, was when I was doing crossfit. At the store I quickly realized that I'm not in crossfit shape at all. It took me 3 trips to bring everything to the car).
I was trying to decide what lifts to do, and realized that I could look at my old crossfit for their wod, and do their weight lifting. And then I thought, why not do the whole thing? Without people doing it 10x faster than me. I had already done geriatric parkour today, so I didn't do the whole thing this time, but I think I'm gonna try it! Instead, I just did the weight part:
EMOM 12:
1 strict press
2 push presses
3 push jerks
I put the 5 pound weights on, so each barbell was about 15 pounds, so total 30 pounds, which is pretty light. But, I think for the first day back is fine. I'm pretty psyched about this idea, we'll see how it actually goes :)
My blog has switched to a new format after all these years. It's fine, I guess, thoguh it didn't work in Safari, which isn't helpful.