Not an exercise post, but today I went to "Meet Pete" in NH! I wasn't feeling great and took a personal day to recoup, plus I had a doctor's appointment. Yesterday I saw that he was in NH, and I know he's been doing well in the polls, so I was curious to hear more from him. So, I signed up to go to his rally. I went right from the MD appointment, and got there about an hour early, before doors opened. It was really cold out, but fortunately they were letting people hang out in the lobby; when I walked in I ran into a friend from TKD! It was pretty cool! We wound up catching up and, when the doors opened, sitting together.

Since we were there so early, we were able to get seats in the front row. We were feeling pretty good about ourselves. I guess we were looking pretty happy and enthusiastic, because one of the campaign managers came over and asked us if we wanted to sit on the stage behind the mayor, as his human props. We were like "Hell Yes!" I mean, I don't know if I'm going to vote for the guy, but it just seemed so fun. And it was :) I was really impressed with Buttigieg - he's very articulate, I like his policy ideas, and he seems like someone who could be "presidential." If there's one thing that trump has taught me, it's that we need a leader who represents the ideas of everyone in the country, and so many people are opposed to Medicare for all (which I don't understand), that I have a hard time with Warren for that. Buttigieg is doing well in the polls; he could have a real shot!
It was a fun morning, definitely better than sitting on the couch and feeling sorry for myself for having a cold, which had been the plan. I'm going to have to stalk his website to see if I find myself on it anywhere.
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