Monday, June 3, 2019

Crossfit again!

I've been missing crossfit a little. Weird. So, I finally decided to suck it up and go. There is one - one nation - that has a "beginner WOD," which I thought would be a good reentry.  And, it has three locations, two of which are pretty accessible for me.  So, I went!

Of course, it was not a beginner WOD, and it wasn't a good reentry.  It was so hard, there was no lifting, and I had to run a mile.  And I am even slower than I used to be.  I mean, I think soon I will be running backwards.

It was nice to be back - it all seemed familiar.  And full of things I couldn't do.  The WOD included handstand push-ups (can't do), strict pull ups (can't do) and running (previously mentioned).  I can't find an online posting of their WOD anywhere.  And yet, when I finished I felt like I had a good workout, and I would be sore tomorrow.

We started with some running - 100 meters, 100 meters and then 200 meters. Yup, I was last every time.

WOD: 21-15-9
Handstand Push-ups (I lifted two 12 pound dumbbells)
run 400 meters
strict pull-ups (I used bands and only did 15 the first round)

My time 15:40.

After we had two tabata rounds:
Alternate with your partner: plank/bandy triceps (8 rounds of each)
Alternate with your partner: side plank/bandy forearms (4 rounds of each)

After, as I was driving home, I was so tired and hungry that I think I may have gone the wrong way down a one-way street.  Oops.

I think I will try for once a week/3 times a month and see how it goes.

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