Friday, April 21, 2017

Forgot to Blog!

I went to crossfit yesterday and then right after met the fam for pub quiz, getting home really late. Which led to me forgetting to blog. So, make-up blog. I kept thinking I should go to crossfit, but not doing it because I was tired, or didn't feel like it, or didn't want to fight marathon traffic. Finally I had to go, it was Thursday and I hadn't been in like a week!

We started with front squats in sets of three. I did 75 pounds for 5 sets. I feel like I could have done a little more, but not with good form. 75 pounds isn't bad, given that it was sets of 3.

200 jumps with jumprope (or 100 double unders)
50 kettlebell swings (I used the smallest)
50 squats with kettle bell (it was supposed to be lunges, but I have toe issues)
50 kettlebell swings
200 jumps
my time: 13 min 26 sec

I did over 100 jumps with the jumprope unbroken the first time, and all the swings unbroken. The squats killed me, though, and on the way up I was much slower. I broke the swings into 3 sets and jumps into 4 sets.

It turns out that I got some serious saddle sores from the last bike ride. My butt still hurts! My brother's gf says that you aren't supposed to wear underware when biking. Sexy! But also not given that you are kind of sweating a lot and the bike shorts are gel that I don't think goes in the washing machine. Maybe a thong?  I'm not really a thong kind of gal, but ....

Tomorrow is the March for Science. Hopefully it will be fun!

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