Thursday, March 16, 2017

Post Blizzard WOD

The blizzard was OK, not monumental. I got one day of couch time. Good, but I was kinda hoping for two. It warmed up at the end of the storm so it was more like rain, and the snow was so heavy! I was really glad all I had to do was uncover my car and the area around it. Even with just that, my back was tired. I was going to go to crossfit yesterday, but my back wasn't into it. I thought I might regret it because yesterday was not a bad WOD, but then today was just fine!

We started with back squats in sets of 5. I did one set at 65 pounds and then four at 85 pounds. On the first one I kept thinking "I can lift way more than this!" But by the last one I was like "no I can't." 5 is a lot!

1000 meter row
100 jump ropes
50 sit ups
25 toes to bar (I did knees to chest)
50 sit ups
100 jump ropes
1000 meter row
my time 20 min 28 sec

I think tomorrow I'm going to feel like someone punched me in the stomach.

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