Thursday, February 2, 2017

Back to Rowing

Today had a ton of rowing, which I was glad about when I read the WOD, and a little less so when actually rowing. I probably rowed for about 18 minutes. A bunch of that time I imagined I was in Head of the Charles Regatta, and my boat was winning. :)  We warmed up with 500 meters of rowing and some stretches.

1000 meters rowing
20 overhead squats (I lifted 35 pounds)
30 kettlebell swings (I used the smallest one)
10 burpee box jumps (no foam boxes, so I stepped)
1000 meters rowing
10 burpee box jumps
30 kettlebell swings
20 overhead squats
1000 meters rowing
my time: 27 min 22 sec

That was a long workout!

I got my paper back from my research class, I had put a ton of work into it because it can be the start of my dissertation if it's done well. My instructor found one typo, and other than that she just gave me a 100. I'm pretty sure it's not actually that good, but whatever, I'll take it. As long as whoever is my advisor also accepts the thing.

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