Friday, December 16, 2016


Today was a benchmark WOD: Fran. I can't remember if I've done it before, will have to check. It's supposed to be killer, in fact coach said that the last time he did it he had a steak and cheese sub for lunch and threw it up after. I don't know, it's short and sweet and though it's hard, so are all of them.

Fran: 21-15-9
Thrusters (I lifted 35 pounds)
Pull ups (I used a green band)
my time: 7 min 20 sec

The guy who owns the gym did the work out at 5 am in 2 min and 9 sec. That's just crazy!  After we finished Fran we had a "gentle and relaxing cool-down to ease the tension in our legs."

Cool down:
750 meter row
50 sit ups
500 meter row
40 sit ups
250 meter row
30 sit ups
untimed, but it took me about 17 minutes

It was really weird to do a long workout without the pressure of a clock. Not everyone did the "cool down" (I have to put it in quotes, because there's an irony to a cool down that's more than twice the length of the workout. Plus, that's not a cool down, Hello!).  It was way more chill than a crossfit workout usually is.  I liked it, but it wasn't as good a workout I have to confess.

Today at work the professor in the office next to me asked me if I was going to the university holiday party. I went though my explanation of how I went to the Provost Office party yesterday, and then I had my mentoring meeting after, so I was partied out. And then I realized that she was on the telephone. Don't you hate it when that happens??

Next week I'm just going to work 2 days and then I have two whole weeks off!  So exciting. I have no plans though, I really need to make some.

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