Friday, May 20, 2016

Tabata This

I actually did Tabata This yesterday, but forgot to blog again! I think I may have done this one before, though I could be wrong..?  We started out the workout with all these evil planks and such, all good for the core but not things I'm good at. Tabata is 20 sec on, 10 sec off for 8 rounds. Mr. Tabata must be Asian, 8 is lucky there! I'm glad it's not 20 that's a lucky number because Tabata's would be way harder.

WOD: All Tabata
Row - I did 4 calories each round
rest one minute
Squat - I did 10 squats each round
rest one minute
Pull ups - These were bad, I did 9 then 8 then 7 ... you get the point
rest one minute
Push ups - I did 8 for a few rounds, then went down to 7 then 6. 
rest one minute
Sit ups - I was glad to end on a not-so-bad note, I did 10 each round

Tomorrow is Porchfest! It's like Music Halloween. You walk from house to house an people play music for you. It's so fun!  I love living in the city on days like that.

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