Saturday, April 9, 2016


I was last by far on todays WOD, but still it felt better than the previous two. So, that's at least a small victory. Today they had a fund raiser for the Little Warrior Fund, proceeds to go to research for childhood cancers. So, there was a DJ and I got a cool t-shirt (for donating). The WOD was one I didn't mind much, though it had running.

WOD: 12 min AMRAP
200 meter run
7 thrusters (I lifted 45 pounds)
20 double unders (I did 40 singles)
14 kettle bell swings (I used the smallest one)
3 rounds plus 200 meters running

rest 5 minutes

5 min AMRAP
Clean and Jerk
I lifted 50 pounds 22 times!

Though I was last at the running, I still did run a half mile. And the thrusters kind of killed me with the squat, so I think I was running an OK speed.

I recently realized that there's a Brew Pub in my neighborhood! That's crazy - I live on Winter Hill, which used to be a pretty rough neighborhood, not so much any more. But I didn't realize it was brew pub worthy. I'm checking it out tonight, before they realize they've opened it in the wrong place :)

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