Thursday, February 25, 2016

Passed a guy running at Crossfit!!

It was an amazing day out today, apparently it got up to almost 65! Of course, it was also raining for most of the day, so I didn't really go out and enjoy it, until Crossfit. They had us run outside, and it was so nice that it almost didn't suck.  We just did a short warm up run, 200 meters, and then worked on snatchs, which are the lift that I am the worst at. I sort of get them a little bit sometimes. But only with uber light weight.

Snatch (I lifted 35 pounds)
Double unders x5 OR run 100 meters
My time: 12 min, 40 sec

I decided that since I can't do double unders (though I did one today! Giant journeys start with small steps.) I would run. One of the coaches said we could alternate running with jumping, but I felt like that would defeat the purpose. Because the double unders were a count down and the running was always the same, so the first ones were shorter for running than jumping, and you had to make up for it later.

Anyhow, I was running, and on the last round this guy ran out just in front of me, and I PASSED him! And stayed in front of him. It was kind of awesome.

Total running = .75 miles. Total people passing me = about 20. People I passed = 1.

I just finished reading 165 self assessments at work, and giving each applicant individual feedback. Sometimes I don't love my job so much.

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