Thursday, October 22, 2015


I was at crossfit today and I noticed this woman was writing down her times and I was like "why don't I do that?"  I mean, sometimes I write them on the board, but usually I'm last and I've made some modification or another, so it's a little embarrassing.  But, here on the Lazy Cretins I can be in competition with myself, and I might actually notice some improvement over time!  It's not running per say, (though it was today).  Anyway, it's my running blog, it can be a crossfit blog too.

Today we did this evil WOD called "Pyramid Helen"
Run 1200 meters
63 Kettlebell swings
36 Pull-ups
Run 800 meters
42 Kettlebell Swings
24 Pull-ups
Run 400 meters
21 Kettlebell swings
12 Pull-ups

I modified my Pyramid Helen by using a lighter kettle bell (the lightest one they have, who are we kidding?) and by doing 12/9/6 pull-ups using bands for help (and still doing most of them pretty badly).  Total workout time was 26 min 6 sec.

I was second to last in the longest running part.  But the end of the1200 meters I had hit my stride, was feeling ok cardio-wise.  Also, everyone else was so long gone that I was no longer trying to keep up with them.  I looked at the clock when I finished and it was 7 min and something seconds, I don't remember what, which I remember thinking was slow - even though I had no idea how far I had run.  Turns out it was pretty much 3/4 mile, and I was running a 10 min something pace, so not bad for me.  Oh, in addition to the workout, we ran 500 meters as a warm up.  So, total running distance was 2900 meters (1.8 miles).  Total kettle bell swings with warm up = 151.  Total decent pull-ups = 0.  Crappy ones = 12.

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