Monday, February 16, 2015

Post Blizzard #2

Blizzard #2 was pretty tame.  Only like a foot of snow, just really windy.  Now is too cold out to be running outside, it's like -6 F which is just cold.  I shoveled my car yesterday when it was warmer out (16 F ish) and I wasn't really cold at all.  Of course, I wore my Patagonia Ninja Hoodie, that's probably why :)  We're expecting more snow tomorrow, 4-7 inches I've heard.  I have 14 appointments scheduled at work tomorrow, so I actually hope that we won't be closed.  Too much rescheduling!

I was getting a little cabin fever topped with tired-of-writing-paper-itis today, so I had to get out!  I decided to test the tendon and go for a run again, just a few days after the last one.  It was a pretty good run!  30 minutes, I started at 5.5 mph for 2 minutes, then bumped it up to 5.7 for a while, then up to 5.8 for the rest of the run. Total distance 3.17 miles, so a little more than 5K.  It was immensely boring, of course.  I got rid of cable at home, so it should be cool to watch on the treadmill.  But all they have is news and reality TV.  I felt really good running for most of it, nothing hurt and aerobically it felt good.  Of course, the last 5 minutes I was still just dying for it to end.

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