Thursday, November 7, 2013

One Year Runaversary

So exciting, I actually made it to my one year runaversary, still running!  Yes, I did get new, incredibly expensive, running tights at Athleta to celebrate.  They're a microfleece with wind breaking material on the front of the legs for cold days.  And a cute new top that's warm and reversible, and also embarrassingly expensive.  Reversible though, so I can wear it twice, right?  With all that, I still wasn't too psyched to go for a run because it was cold and rainy out, not perfect running weather (actually, now that I think about it, the first day I ran it was cold and rainy out too, and I wound up going to the gym.)  I decided to go the same route on the Charles, from the free parking area, over the Elliot Bridge, to the Western Ave Bridge, and back.  I did it a whole minute faster today than last time! Though I didn't have to stop for traffic at the bridges, so it was actually only 30 secs faster.  I actually felt like I was running pretty fast while I was going, though of course two guys did pass me like I was standing still.

Anyhow, I did 3.64 miles in 35 min and 34 sec, which is a 9 min 46 sec mile, which is just crazy good for me!  I felt pretty good for most of the run.  When I got back to my car I did the same little extra bit that I had done last time.  Not that I thought I needed to because I knew I had run 5K, but just because I could.  And a year ago for sure I could not have.

I was thinking about my first year running accomplishments:

  • Going from running 2 minutes at a stretch to running for a full hour.
  • Improving my pace, though only sometimes.
  • Lots of new pairs of tights and cute running tops.
  • Three 5K races, two of which I ran without stopping to walk, and one I ran despite having a miserable cold.
I've resisted goal setting with this running because I think it might turn me off.  But, now that I've made it through a year, maybe it's time to set a couple goals.  For this year I would like to:

  • Run at least a couple 5K races (first one already scheduled for December.)
  • Run a 10K (gasp)
  • Not go broke on additional cute running clothes.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go! I am so impressed! Really, totally impressed, as sometimes I get out of breath after walking for 5 minutes. You totally deserve cute new running clothes (in moderation, of course).
