Sunday, April 28, 2013

Spring Classic Race

30 min and 47 sec for my second 5K! That's slightly less than a 10 minute mile!!  Go me! I was thrilled about it. I started out slow because it was crowded, but then was just trucking along. When I hit mile #1, I was surprised to see that it was less than 10 minutes. So, I thought maybe I could keep up the pace, and I did. I think I was going a little slower towards the end, but then I saw the finish and tried to haul butt. It felt pretty good. I was puffing away, but not so much that I had to stop and walk.

There was a dude in a skirt at this one too. Maybe it's mandatory that there must be one at every race? He was way faster than me. I def passed people, and they passed me.

I was pretty unsure this morning why I thought a 9:30 race would be a good idea, but now that it's over, and 11:00 and I'm all raced up, it seems like a much better plan.

I took a week off due to sore knees/hip. I even had a massage on Friday. They felt a lot better, but still a little sore.

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