Monday, March 25, 2013


So, I told my boss that I had to leave work early today to help my sister with Passover. But in actual fact, I wanted to go for a run before picking up my carload of peeps that I was bringing. So, I guess it's fitting that I got horrible cramps and had to stop a mile and a half into my run, at the point that was about the furthest possible from home. My stomach was killing me! I wanted to lie down in the street, but instead I walked a mile home. Karma's a bitch.

I did decide to sign up for a 5K in the end of April in Cambridge. It claims to be flat. It's Central Sq to Harvard Sq and back. I'm sure I will be running there and see people headed back. In fact, I had a dream about it last night! I ran really well I thought, but forgot my watch and bib, so I had no idea if I was just imagining it. My first running dream!

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