Monday, December 23, 2019


Much as I hate the elliptical, I was quite pleased to get back to the elliptical today! Recovery from surgery has been coming along well, but slower than I would like. I got the bandage off a week ago, and the doctor spent about 30 seconds with me, saying that it looked good. I was like, but what do I do to take care of it, can I get it wet, should I stretch it, can I walk normal, when can I exercise again? As she was jogging out the door. She said I can get it wet, take it easy for another week, and otherwise I can do whatever I want. So, I decided that today I can exercise again. Fortunately there's someone with a blog on his Cheilectomy surgery, that has a lot of info that I've been going off of. This is why people pay attend to Dr. Google so much.

Anyhow, I did the elliptical for 30 minutes while watching Ellen. But Ellen wasn't there, so it was some guest host. It was not a good time. I can't wait to get back to more fun exercise!

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