Friday, July 5, 2019

Mystic River Kayak

I was thinking about going back up to the Wildcats today and hiking up the ski slope and to Wildcat A, and then back down. That's about 9.6 miles and 6 hours of driving (I saw someone recently say it took them 6 hrs and 15 min, which I guess would take me about 7 hours?) But, I got a bone to pick with that mountain! In the end, though, I decided I don't have to drive to NH every weekend. Also, I have some friends coming tomorrow, and I needed to do some food shopping and such. And, I didn't want to be exhausted.  So, I decided to go kayaking!

I was going to go for a short kayak, because it's really hot out!  But, on the Mystic River there was a breeze, and water, and it was really nice, even though it was the Mystic River.  I got going and just kept going. In the end, I went further on this route than before, about 4 and 2/3 miles I think, so around 9 and 1/3 miles in total!  It took me 3 hours, so I was not making record speeds.  It was nice, though, there were some bands playing music, for some reason, water birds, and I went through the pond at the end to the fish steps.  It was really hot!

For July 4, I went with a friend to a barbecue which was really nice. There were a lot of fruity drinks, a really really good burger, and all kinds of delicious salads. And, this one guy there is in the midst of hiking the AT!!  He had to get off because he was sick, and then hurt his leg, but he was headed back today.  He said that if you hike like 15 miles a day, with one rest day a week, then you can do it in 6 months..?  And, that the bugs haven't been that bad (like in NH).  Hmmm.  He started by doing like three miles a day, and worked up to 20, you don't have to be all gang buster on the first day.

I went home and was thinking about watching the fireworks on TV, but the Boston ones were only on Bloomberg TV, and you had to pay for more than 30 minutes.  The only ones that I could watch were the DC ones, and I refuse to be a part of the Trump Show.  So, I made a last minute decision and went.  I went a new way - I parked in the same parking lot as usual, but walked to a different spot so it was only a mile walk. After, though, the police wouldn't let me turn left, and so it took a while to get home, even with my close parking.  The fireworks were amazing, totally worth it, and I needed the walk after so much eating.

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