Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Lots 'o squats

We started the workout today with 4 sets of 5 back squats. That's a lot of squats! I did 80 pound. I could have done more for the first three, but not for the last one. 20 squats at 80 pounds is pretty impressive!

WOD: 6 rounds
5 snatches (I lifted 35 pounds)
7 overhead squats
9 box jumps (there weren't any soft boxes, so I stepped)
my time:11:11

It was actually an easier workout today. We did some tabata warm ups. All the squats, and then the shortish wod.  I was wishing for a soft box so I could jump. I gotta get over the fear of jumping.

We had another snow storm on Sunday into Monday. Sadly, it ended early enough that we were still able to go to work, just a delayed opening at 10 am. This is the difficult time of year, with the first deadlines. Plus, I have a ton to do with my classes. I'm a little cranky. I know I'll be glad I did two classes come April, but now it kind of sucks.

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