Friday, February 10, 2017

First Snow of the Season

We finally had a real snow storm. Apparently it was officially a blizzard. What was nice about it was that it started right at the morning commute and went all day, so they had to give us a snow day!  Yay!  I spent most of it working and doing work for my class, which wasn't that exciting, but at least I got to do it in my jams.  I did snow shoe around the block, about 2/3 mile, which was fun, and really hard work! Glad I didn't try to break a trail up Cannon! They're talking about maybe another storm this weekend too.

I was such a bad crossfitter this week. I brought my gym bag in to work Monday-Wednesday, but I just didn't feel like hitting the gym. Today I knew I had to go, we'll see if I can motivate for tomorrow as well.  We started with front squats, in sets of 5. I got up to 75 pounds with pretty good form for two rounds and then did 80 pounds for one round with so-so form.

WOD: 5 rounds
15 calories rowing (this take about 1 min 15 sec for me)
12 deadlifts (I lifted 35 pounds)
9 hang squat cleans
6 thrusters
my time: unknown

I think it took me about 3 and a half minutes per round, so like 18 and change for the whole thing. I was beat at the end, it was a tough one, and I just forgot what time it was when I looked at the clock! I wound up on a rower between two guys who were literally rowing twice as fast as me. Wow.

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