I've done seven days of dipping in a row, and I'm going to try to keep going! Most of the dips have been with at least one other person, but today, like Thanksgiving, I went on my own. It's a different ballgame, because I just go there, jump in, swim around for 5 minutes, get dressed and leave. As opposed to waiting for everyone to arrive, choreographing a dive routine, dipping, getting out, eating chocolate, sitting in someone's car warming up, and then leaving like 3 hours later - which of course is also fun. Yesterday I was hanging out with this woman in her car before swimming, and we were watching this pontoon boat coming across the lake, and just chatting about it - like, why does someone have a pontoon boat on such a small lake, and was it battery powered, etc. When it stopped at the dock, we realized that Santa was on the boat! Apparently he was coming from a Christmas party at this club on the lake - so funny! We got a picture with him. I'm not sure if there's really any long term effect of all the dipping, it seems to help my sleep and stress levels.
Today I had the day off and instead of going for a nice hike like I was hoping, I took my cat to the vet. She attacked me a couple times - it was pretty scary actually. Now I know how poor Rufus feels. Anyhow, he thinks it's her thyroid, but the numbers don't make it seem like she needs meds yet. I bought her a supplement from Chewy - we will see if it helps.
PS. Water is around 47 degrees!