I was late to crossfit today, but decided I didn't care because I wanted to get in workout #2 today. Tomorrow I may do yoga, I have my paper still to write (procrastinating right now) and Elizabeth Warren to see! (and the mayor, whatever), and Sunday is climbing and really have to do the paper, because it's due. Plus, I liked most of the workout stuff.
We started with an EMOM with deadlifts! My favorite:
EMOM 14:
5 strict pullups (I used bands and they were still lame)
3 deadlifts (I started at 85 pounds and worked up to 140 for my last set of 3)
40 calories rowing (I did 30 because I'm so slow)
20 ring dips (can't do. Pretended a little and moved on)
20 pull ups (already did lame pull ups. Attempted a few more)
40 calories rowing (really did 40)
I fibbed on the wod with the pull ups and such, so I didn't look at the time really. But it took me about a minute to row 10 calories. So, seven minutes rowing, plus another minute in the warmup. I guess it counts as something.
Yesterday I went on a "Literary Crawl." It's like a pub crawl, but you go from place to place and listen to literature/writing stuff. And there was free wine! It was pretty fun! We started at the store Room and Board, where there were people reading short stories. Then we walked down Newbury Street to a hair salon where there was a performance of James Joyce, kind of the cliff notes addition. I have to confess, I don't totally get James Joyce, but according to the actors, no one does. So I learned that. And I got to watch theater in a Newbury Street hair salon while drinking free wine. Win! Next we went to this nail parlor where we did literature madlibs. That was different and kind of fun. We filled them out and then two professional actors read them. One of the actors was really good, and it was pretty funny!
Friday, October 27, 2017
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Lots 'o Lifts
Today was pretty much all lifting, with two WODs. All stuff that I could do, except one of the WODs had handstand pushups, and I can't even do a regular pushup, but whatever. I just used bands.
The first WOD was confusing, it was clean and jerks, with a partner. You took turns lifting for 4 minutes, during which I lifted 35 pounds 20 times. Then you had a 2 minute break, and then took turns for 3 minutes, during which I lifted 50 pounds 15 times. Another 2 minute break, then two rounds of two minutes - I lifted 60 pounds 7 times and 70 pounds 9 times. I was happy with this!
WOD: 21-15-9
Dumbell hang squat clean (I used 10 pounders)
my time: 7 minutes, 30 seconds
It's been a quiet few days, a lot of avoiding writing a paper. I'm in my final class for my doctorate, only 3 discussion board posts left, and not many stupid assignments to go! I can't wait to be done with discussion boards for good!!
Friday, October 20, 2017
Two days in a row!
I only went to crossfit once last week, which I guess was allowable because I was getting over being sick. But, this week there were no excuses. I didn't go until yesterday, and tomorrow I'm going climbing, so today I had to hit the gym. It wasn't a horrible workout, lots of lifting and then separate cardio.
WOD: 5 rounds
12 deadlifts
9 hang cleans
6 push jerks
I lifted 50 pounds. When I finished I was so happy to be done, I didn't even look at the time! It was 7 minutes 30 seconds when I finished the 4th round. so maybe 9 min 30 sec or so?
Then we did a partner cardio thing that was meant to be:
600 meter run
30 cal bike
40 cal ski erg
It was dark out and I hate running at crossfit, so I did 500 meters on the rower instead. I find the ski erg to be pretty hard also, so I did 30 cals on that.
Not much new since yesterday, except that today was crazy at work and I was at a meeting where this woman was talking, with great enthusiasm, about recycling plastic straws. I think it's a great idea, and kudos to the kid in Vermont who's leading the way on the initiative, but OMG, that feeling when you are so busy and someone's talking about straws!!
WOD: 5 rounds
12 deadlifts
9 hang cleans
6 push jerks
I lifted 50 pounds. When I finished I was so happy to be done, I didn't even look at the time! It was 7 minutes 30 seconds when I finished the 4th round. so maybe 9 min 30 sec or so?
Then we did a partner cardio thing that was meant to be:
600 meter run
30 cal bike
40 cal ski erg
It was dark out and I hate running at crossfit, so I did 500 meters on the rower instead. I find the ski erg to be pretty hard also, so I did 30 cals on that.
Not much new since yesterday, except that today was crazy at work and I was at a meeting where this woman was talking, with great enthusiasm, about recycling plastic straws. I think it's a great idea, and kudos to the kid in Vermont who's leading the way on the initiative, but OMG, that feeling when you are so busy and someone's talking about straws!!
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Cried at work. Awesome.
Today's WOD actually wasn't that killer, not that it was easy or anything, but all things that I could pretty much do. Yay! I'd been a little bit of a slacker for the start of the week, so it was good to go. We started with squat snatches, which I quickly changed to regular snatches because I don't have the coordination to squat while snatching. I lifted 55 pounds 10 times. OK I guess.
150 jumps on jump rope
1500 meter row
150 jumps on jump rope
my time: 11:22
I had a little break down at work earlier this week, something that I haven't done in a four and a half years. I was so stressed out about the new job, my boss leaving, and the fact that I don't know what's going on. Plus, I heard rumors about a new model for my office that sounded like a bad idea. So, I meant to have a chat with my boss about it, but then I started crying, and it was just embarrassing. Plus, she's such a scientist, she's not really into the emotions so much. Eventually she actually looked at her watch and I wanted to crawl through the floor. However, I will say that my "strategy" was effective in that I think she talked to the vice provost, and now we're moving along a little with the process. So, we'll see. But, I'm going to try not to cry again.
I've been trying to do stress reduction things. Yesterday I went to this free Afro Flow yoga class at work. It was a combo of yoga and soul dancing. I can do one of those things. Ha! I wasn't quite sure what Afro Flow yoga was, but when I got there and saw someone setting up African drums I knew it would be different than what I'm used to. And, when we put away our yoga mats and started dancing, I was like, "Jewish girl from the suburbs here. My hips and shoulders don't do that!" It was pretty fun, though. I feel like I'll go back. At one point we were dancing in a circle and the instructor was like "yell out things you can't live without and we will dance them!" Of course, I thought "chocolate" "coffee." But people were yelling things like "peace" "strength" "friendship!" Oh, those kinds of things.
150 jumps on jump rope
1500 meter row
150 jumps on jump rope
my time: 11:22
I had a little break down at work earlier this week, something that I haven't done in a four and a half years. I was so stressed out about the new job, my boss leaving, and the fact that I don't know what's going on. Plus, I heard rumors about a new model for my office that sounded like a bad idea. So, I meant to have a chat with my boss about it, but then I started crying, and it was just embarrassing. Plus, she's such a scientist, she's not really into the emotions so much. Eventually she actually looked at her watch and I wanted to crawl through the floor. However, I will say that my "strategy" was effective in that I think she talked to the vice provost, and now we're moving along a little with the process. So, we'll see. But, I'm going to try not to cry again.
I've been trying to do stress reduction things. Yesterday I went to this free Afro Flow yoga class at work. It was a combo of yoga and soul dancing. I can do one of those things. Ha! I wasn't quite sure what Afro Flow yoga was, but when I got there and saw someone setting up African drums I knew it would be different than what I'm used to. And, when we put away our yoga mats and started dancing, I was like, "Jewish girl from the suburbs here. My hips and shoulders don't do that!" It was pretty fun, though. I feel like I'll go back. At one point we were dancing in a circle and the instructor was like "yell out things you can't live without and we will dance them!" Of course, I thought "chocolate" "coffee." But people were yelling things like "peace" "strength" "friendship!" Oh, those kinds of things.
Saturday, October 14, 2017
My plan for the day was Cannon Mountain and the Cannon Balls, but when I got toward Franconia Notch it was cloudy and and the top of Cannon was covered in mist. It has an outstanding view, so I didn't want to climb on a bad weather day. I was kind of in the groove with the driving as well, so I took the Kanc to Passaconaway. I'd looked at it last night as a back up plan, and it seemed like a viable alternative.
The hike was one of those 10.2 mile hikes where the first and last 2 miles are pretty much a casual stroll in the woods (note to self, sometimes it would be ok to just casually stroll in woods without climbing a mountain). Then, the next mile is gradual gain. So, when it starts going up, it's serious elevation gain! It's full fall foliage season in NH now, and it was so pretty up there. The trees are so perfect this year, so the hike and view was extra nice.
I got to the top, and there were a bunch of people sitting on a rock, and I was like "is this the top?" but no, I had to walk another 3 minutes or so to this little cairn. After I went back and sat with everyone (I'd only seen two people on the way up - a man taking off his shirt and a woman about to pee right on the trail. WTF people?? You can take 10 steps!) and I had an egg salad sandwich that I bought on the way up (there's a bar on top of Cannon, so I hadn't backed food). It was so delicious! I thought about the egg salad sandwich people with a little nostalgia.
All and all, a nice day, but not a mountain that I will necessarily need to repeat.
Last night Bill Clinton came to Northeastern for his U thing! Tickets were free and opened to the public for the first panel, so of course I went. I love Bill Clinton. He talked about history with such deep understanding. And then about religion. And then he talked about how one of the biggest problems that we have right now is that we never talk to people who are different than us. It's so true. On his panel, he had this musician who was this big African American guy. The reason the guy was on the panel is that he wrote a book about the KKK, and he interviewed Clansmen to do it. One of the first guys he interviewed became great friends, quit the KKK, and gave him his robe. If they can talk it out, anyone can. But, we need amazing leaders who foster inclusiveness and dialogue.
The hike was one of those 10.2 mile hikes where the first and last 2 miles are pretty much a casual stroll in the woods (note to self, sometimes it would be ok to just casually stroll in woods without climbing a mountain). Then, the next mile is gradual gain. So, when it starts going up, it's serious elevation gain! It's full fall foliage season in NH now, and it was so pretty up there. The trees are so perfect this year, so the hike and view was extra nice.
I got to the top, and there were a bunch of people sitting on a rock, and I was like "is this the top?" but no, I had to walk another 3 minutes or so to this little cairn. After I went back and sat with everyone (I'd only seen two people on the way up - a man taking off his shirt and a woman about to pee right on the trail. WTF people?? You can take 10 steps!) and I had an egg salad sandwich that I bought on the way up (there's a bar on top of Cannon, so I hadn't backed food). It was so delicious! I thought about the egg salad sandwich people with a little nostalgia.
All and all, a nice day, but not a mountain that I will necessarily need to repeat.
Last night Bill Clinton came to Northeastern for his U thing! Tickets were free and opened to the public for the first panel, so of course I went. I love Bill Clinton. He talked about history with such deep understanding. And then about religion. And then he talked about how one of the biggest problems that we have right now is that we never talk to people who are different than us. It's so true. On his panel, he had this musician who was this big African American guy. The reason the guy was on the panel is that he wrote a book about the KKK, and he interviewed Clansmen to do it. One of the first guys he interviewed became great friends, quit the KKK, and gave him his robe. If they can talk it out, anyone can. But, we need amazing leaders who foster inclusiveness and dialogue.
Thursday, October 12, 2017
I'm back
I was down for a week and a half with this disgusting phlegmy cold. Poor me! I swear every fall working on a college campus I get something. Today, though, I was back up and to crossfit. I thought that today's workout wouldn't be that bad. Ha! It's the innocent looking ones you have to look out for.
We started with a "warm up" that was 60 jumps on the jump rope, 15 kettle bell swings, 200 meter run, and 8 burpees in 4 minutes (at least, that's what it was for me). Then we tortured our arms some with turkish getups, which involves holding a pretty heavy (to me) weight over your head while lying on the ground, and standing up. Until your arms are tired. Not sketchy.
Next we had two WODS:
14 minute EMOM:
60 jumps on the jump rope
8 burpees
(at least, that's what it was for me)
rest 3 minutes
14 minute EMOM:
100 meter run
15 kettlebell swings
(at least, that's what it was for me)
It was tough. And, I ran 100 meters in 30 seconds. When we did 200 meters the first time it took me a little over a minute. So, everyone else was doing 200 meters, but I was like "I need a rest." Yeah.
Today more former bitch of a boss emailed me and was all like "I see you're hiring. Are you expanding? We're hiring too. If you see anyone who would be good for our office, will you share?" And I was like #1 Not gonna answer the fishing questions. #2 would never refer anyone to you because you are nuts. #3 I thought you were fired and out of here. And a little #4 I was thinking about steeling one of your current advisors. I'm not going to answer it :) Tee hee.
We started with a "warm up" that was 60 jumps on the jump rope, 15 kettle bell swings, 200 meter run, and 8 burpees in 4 minutes (at least, that's what it was for me). Then we tortured our arms some with turkish getups, which involves holding a pretty heavy (to me) weight over your head while lying on the ground, and standing up. Until your arms are tired. Not sketchy.
Next we had two WODS:
14 minute EMOM:
60 jumps on the jump rope
8 burpees
(at least, that's what it was for me)
rest 3 minutes
14 minute EMOM:
100 meter run
15 kettlebell swings
(at least, that's what it was for me)
It was tough. And, I ran 100 meters in 30 seconds. When we did 200 meters the first time it took me a little over a minute. So, everyone else was doing 200 meters, but I was like "I need a rest." Yeah.
Today more former bitch of a boss emailed me and was all like "I see you're hiring. Are you expanding? We're hiring too. If you see anyone who would be good for our office, will you share?" And I was like #1 Not gonna answer the fishing questions. #2 would never refer anyone to you because you are nuts. #3 I thought you were fired and out of here. And a little #4 I was thinking about steeling one of your current advisors. I'm not going to answer it :) Tee hee.
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Great Blue Hill
It's definitely not a 4000 footer, in fact it's a 635 footer, but that's all we have here in Boston. It's only like 10 minutes from where my mom is living now, and I don't know why I haven't gone there before. It took me about an hour to do a loop hike there, which isn't bad. There's supposed to be a view, but I didn't see it. I was a little confused about the map because I thought this one elevation number was on the top, but actually on reflection it wasn't. So, when I was at the top I thought there was another peek nearby. Nope. Next time. Anyhow, it was getting dark and I didn't have my headlamp or really any proper hiking supplies, so I had to go back down. But, will def plan on it again!
After hiking I went to dig the potatoes out of my garden. I had put some plastic planters with no bottoms in the garden with dirt/potatoes this summer after watching a youtube. Bad idea. When I pulled them out they were full of really gross bugs. I couldn't decide if I should still eat the potatoes, which seem to have unbroken skin. So I through them in a bag to think about. I didn't want to leave the gross buggy dirt in my garden, so I shoveled it into a recycling bag and decided I would throw it out in the dumpster. It was so heavy! And then I was driving home with a bag of buggy dirt in the back of my car. I think I annoyed a few people behind me because I was like "no sudden moves" I did not want that to tip over!
After hiking I went to dig the potatoes out of my garden. I had put some plastic planters with no bottoms in the garden with dirt/potatoes this summer after watching a youtube. Bad idea. When I pulled them out they were full of really gross bugs. I couldn't decide if I should still eat the potatoes, which seem to have unbroken skin. So I through them in a bag to think about. I didn't want to leave the gross buggy dirt in my garden, so I shoveled it into a recycling bag and decided I would throw it out in the dumpster. It was so heavy! And then I was driving home with a bag of buggy dirt in the back of my car. I think I annoyed a few people behind me because I was like "no sudden moves" I did not want that to tip over!
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