Monday, November 30, 2015

There's something in the way on this lift...

Today we did power snatches, which involves hoisting the weight bar up the front of your body, more or less. Well, I got the girls there...ouch...oooch, I see nose bumping potential, but not with my nose. Not the best lift for me. OK first thing was a strength drill:
1 power snatch
1 hang squat snatch
1 overhead squat
EMOM (that's every minute on the minute) for 10 minutes. Other people were adding weight, I was just trying to remember which of the lifts we were doing. It was hard!  (I'm not good at squatting either, though I did use a squat toilet in Peru successfully, and considered it a growth experience.)

WOD: 21-15-9
Overhead Squats
Box Jump
I did 35 pounds for all the weight lifting and not really deep squats for the squats. A green band on the pull-ups, and they were pretty bad. But I did get the whole momentum thing going on a few pull ups. And, two green stools for box jumps (gonna try three next time.)  Time 12 min 12 sec.

Last week I only went once to Crossfit! I'm so cheap, I never do that, but I was feeling kind of crappy during the weekend. I think it was the stuffing. Now that I'm Paleo woman, I think the carbs made me feel bad. I have made it through my month! I'm going to try to keep up with the paleo thing for Dec, but add rice and peanut butter (almond butter is crazy expensive). I did cheat all weekend with stuffing and pie on Thursday, pie on Friday, ice cream on Saturday and Sunday. But I did say when I started that Thanksgiving was allowed.

On Friday I went to the supermarket and they still had a couple turkeys left( super cheap), so I bought one and cooked it up Saturday!  My first turkey that I cooked. It was super easy, and now I have turkey to eat for the next month or two.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Thanksgiving Weekend!

I'm so psyched to have a long weekend for Thanksgiving!  I took Wednesday off because the students have the day off, so no one will be there anyhow, and I really wanted a nice 5 day weekend. The beginning of September vacation seems like a long time ago. I was going to go to crossfit tomorrow, but then my friend who I was going climbing with had car trouble, so I got to go today instead. Which means that tomorrow I don't have to leave my house :)

We started with deadlifts today - the coach was like "do you know what you usually lift?" and I though "I was feeling all smug that I know which one a deadlift is without googling it. Way to rain on my parade." I started at 75 pounds and that was really light, so then I did 95, then 105, 115 and I ended with 125!  Each weight was 5 reps.  I felt pretty good about it, though of course some of the guys were lifting like 3x that weight.

Run 800 meters (which I did in 4 min, 37 sec which is a 9 min 14 sec mile!!!)
30 handstand pushups (haha! I did 30 band assisted pushups)
Run 800 meters (second time was way slower, 10 min mile)

I was dead last in the running the first time. So far behind everyone else, but I was pretty psyched when I finished and saw my time. I knew 800 meters is a half mile, so for me it was fast. Since I did band assisted pushups instead of handstand pushups I was faster then most people at that, so I didn't have as much pressure on the second running. Everyone else was behind me except these two super beefy guys who apparently can just pop out 30 handstand pushups like, whatever.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Bear Complex

Bear Complex's sound like something that would involve running, scaling trees, clawing opened trash cans and catching salmon. But, they aren't. They are a freakish series of weight lifting drills that we do at Crossfit. Lift the weights up, front squat, overhead, back squat, overhead again, and down. That's one bear! They are complex, I can never remember the whole routine.

First we did push press and push jerks. A series of 5 push presses and 2 push jerks.  Somehow I wound up with these women who were starting off with 75 pounds.  I was like "maybe I'll just go over with that wimpy looking group." We finished at 75 pounds, and it was heavy!

Push press - 60 pounds max for 5 reps
Push jerk - 75 pounds max for 2 reps

1 Bear complex (I did 45 pounds which was level 1. Could have done more, but level 2 was 65 pounds and I couldn't do that.)
2 box jump overs (I used two green stools)
2 bear complex
4 box jump overs
3 bear complex
6 box jump overs etc
As many as possible in 10 minutes

I did 5 rounds plus 4 more bears.

On the second round I freaked out on the box jump over and had to do single stools for a few jumps. I went back up to two stools on the fourth round. Such a mental block on those!

I'm thinking I might try to do three times a week for January - March. Less hiking time, I could go one day on the weekend. Plus, I wouldn't be working Monday evenings.  I've been going Thursday and Friday a lot, which doesn't spread out the workout very well. Only one more late Monday this year!

Thursday, November 19, 2015


Today we did hero workout Rankel. It was a beast:
6 deadlifts (I lifted 75 pounds)
7 burpee pullups (I used a stool to get high enough to jump to the bar so I could pull up)
10 Kettle bell swings (smallest kettle bell, but I should use the second smallest)
200 meter run
As many reps as possible in 20 minutes
I did 5 full reps and a 6th set of weight lifting, 5 full burps, and a sixth burpee without the pull up. There was a guy there of my same vintage and he was slower than me! Of course, he was lifting more and doing real burpee pull ups.  Whatever.

Rankel was 23 when he was killed in Afghanistan. Why can't we stop killing kids?

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Late Post

I went to Crossfit on Friday, but then I went to visit my sister in CT right from Crossfit, and went to NYC for the day on Saturday, and completely forgot to blog! So, this is really a post from November 13. NYC was great fun, I love going there! It would be fun to live there for a little bit, but I love my little Boston... I went to this American Medical Student Association conference, really just so I could go to the city for the day for free :) There were only 4 sessions, so it wasn't that long - as always, one session was pretty lame (I blew out early to spend a little city time), one was so-so, and two were awesome!  One of the really amazing ones, this MD who's a geneticist was talking about her work, and where we will be going with big data in medicine in the future. It's so cool - one you start gathering a ton of data you can see patterns in healthcare treatments, and you can look at how the genetic makeup of one person might require different medication from another. I don't really understand it all, but what I do understand is amazing - I hope we are around for this future.

Anyhow, at Crossfit, we did Benchmark workout Christine:
3 rounds:
500 meter row
12 Bodyweight Deadlifts (I lifted 95 pounds which is not my bodyweight)
21 box jumps (I jumped on two green stools which is 16 inches instead of 20 inches)

My time was 10:54.  It was a partner workout, one of the ones where you have to cheer your partner on for half, then they cheer you on.  My partner actually does crew, and she gave me some tips on the machine - you're supposed to keep this one number below 125. You do that by using your legs. I don't exactly know what the number is, or really how to keep it down, but she seemed to think pushing with my legs was a good thing. I did speed up on my rowing, so she must be right.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Carb flu

I've been down for the last week or so with the carb flu, it's been brutal.  Hopefully I'm over the worst of it now.  Amazing how awful paleo can make you feel.  All the websites say you just have to push on through it, which is what I've been trying to do.  Yesterday was Veteran's Day, and I confess I barely left the couch, I watched like 5 hours of my new guilty pleasure, Scandal.  My one thing on the agenda for the day was Crossfit, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it, so it's going to be a Thursday/Friday week for me.

Today's workout was supposed to be a timed one mile run, which I wasn't looking at all forward to, seeing as how I was going to be dead last.  Happily it was raining, so we got to do rowing instead!  Much better.  Of course, I was still last, so last that they turned off the music before I was done :/
(There was one other person actually who was on the same pace with me, so it was slightly less embarrassing.)

First we did the Clean and Jerk, and I was pretty happy with myself because #1 I kind of was able to do it right, without hitting my nose and #2 I lifted 65 pounds, which I was happy with.  But then I looked at the board and saw that most of the women were lifting twice that. Hmm.

Row 1000 meters
30 hang cleans (I really lifted 45 pounds this time)
Row 750 meters
20 shoulders to overhead lifts
Row 500 meters

It took me 17 minutes and 17 seconds.  I was pretty happy with myself because I usually wimp out on the 15 pound weights, and put 10 pound weights on my 15 pound barbell, but today I actually did the 15 pounders!  Go me!

Friday, November 6, 2015

9 min mile!

Today's WOD had a 535 meter run to start. Of course, I was dead last at the run, and was totally dying by the time I got back to the gym.  And some of the people had already finished the weight lifting part.  It took me three minutes to do the 535 meters, actually slightly less because there was a little bottle neck at the door.  I was sort of trying to let everyone else in front of me, since that was were they were eventually going to be anyhow, but it didn't totally work out.  When I finish - last by a long shot, it was 3 minutes, which is a 9 minute mile!  I was pretty psyched when I worked out the time.  My other runs were slower because we didn't all start out at the same time, but still they were around 10 minute mile.  I couldn't run that fast for a full mile though.

Today's WOD: 4 rounds
535 meter run
15 back squats (I did 35 pounds - I realized today that what I thought was 45 previously was actually 35. Boo.)
10 Ring Dips (real WOD called for 5 muscle ups, but I needed bands for a ring dip for heaven sakes!)
Rest 1 minute.

My time was 23 minutes 14 seconds.  I could have lifted more on the squats, and I really used the bands as an assist for the ring dips.  (I'm going on an 8 mile hike on Mt. Major tomorrow and I didn't want to totally kill my thighs and be dying all day tomorrow. That's my excuse on the squat weight, and I'm sticking to it.)

Before the WOD we did front squats and I lifted 85 pounds, though my technique at 85 pounds wasn't so good I don't think.  At 80 pounds it was much better.

I realized that they sell paleo snacks and energy gunk at the box.  Of course they do!  No excuses about being hungry next time, I can get something to eat there.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Fight Gone Bad

I really liked the title of today's WOD, Fight Gone Bad.  If I was ever in a fight, that's how it would go, I'm pretty sure of it. I was going to go to Crossfit yesterday, but I was so hungry that I had to go home and eat. The Paleo thing is a little bit of a challenge.  Now I have two days in a row of crossfit because I can't go Sat, and I gotta get in my two times for the week.  Happily FGB has no pull ups, though they did make us do push ups before the workout.  I did them on my knees. Poorly.

Fight Gone Bad:  Three rounds of one minute at each station. One point for each rep, one point for each calorie rowing.
Rowing  (my score 16/15/15)
Sumo Deadlift High-Pull  (20/16/18) 35 pounds
Wall Balls  (16/16/15) lightest ball
Box Jump  (9/10/13) I used two green stools instead of a box
Push press  (16/13/10) 35 pounds
Rest (quite successful at this!)
Total Score = 218

It doesn't seem like a killer workout, but it totally was!  They had us do it with a partner so that it took the entire class basically - one person did the entire workout, then the other.

I have a mental block about box jumps.  The first set I was freaked out because I was jumping up on two stools instead of one.  Seriously.

Saturday will be my three year run-a-versary.  I'm not exactly still running, though I did run 300 meters today, carrying a wall ball for half of the run.  And tomorrow it looks like I will be running 1.3 miles at least (they'll prob have some running in the warm up.)  Saturday I'm planning to hike Mt. Major.  So, although I'm sort of shifting in activity, I'm still counting this as a success.  I may stop at the Lulu outlet in Kittery on the way home from the hike to celebrate :)