Monday, May 18, 2020


This isn't really a exercise update, though I did go for a walk on Crane's Beach this weekend (which was wonderful and made me wonder why I don't go to the beach more, especially since it's so close). I also did geriatric parkour - we have a new woman in our group who seemed pretty cool. I did yoga today. And, I've been learning to play the didgeridoo, because I have my brother's didj (as we didgeridoo players call it), and so I may as well try to play it. I think I'll try to go out at 7 every evening to play on the front steps. There are some people up the street who make a lot of noise every evening, it would be nice to join in.

I've been making masks, and I realized I should keep track of numbers, just to keep track. So, I've made:
1 for me
8 for my sister in CT
3 for my sister in MA
3 for my mom (who looses them)
5 for my sister's friends
2 for friends here
6 that I sent to MI
79 for my mom's peeps
14 that I dropped off at the library today

That's 121 total so far! Wow. I may be forgetting some. But I think that's a reasonable estimate.

Today at work they announced furloughs. I've never been part of a layoff or furlough, this was my first time. Right now, it's just for the month of July, and I am not affected. Out of our office of 30, they are only keeping 2 student facing people - I'm one of them, and the fellowships person is the other. I was really shocked, not that I wasn't furloughed because this is my busy time of year, but that they are basically closing up services for students for the month. I feel like there may be more furloughs coming, and that in the future ones I may not be working.

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