Sunday, April 21, 2019

Great Blue Hill

Tomorrow I'm seeing a dermatologist for the itchiness on my skin (sorry to any non-Kit readers that may stumble by and read this - I know, TMI), and I felt like I needed to really be itchy.  So, I decided to go for a hike.  I was thinking about a big NH one, but to be honest I didn't feel like the drive, and I decided that the Blue Hills could work.  And it did.  So itchy right now, not sure if I will sleep!

Great Blue Hill is 640 feet, which is not a 4000 footer for sure :)  It's only like 500 feet of elevation gain!  To make it a good workout, I went down the back side, walked a little more, and then climbed it a second time.  Still only about 1000 feet of elevation gain on that hill, though there were a bunch of others on the trail.  Maybe the whole thing was about half the size of Monadnock in elevation?

The last few days were Passover (it still is, to be technical).  My sister cooked the first night, and once again I ate two matzo balls and regretted it.  When will I ever learn??

This Friday I'm giving a 15-20 minute talk at a dinner on What Women's Global Health Means To Me.  I guess that's what directors do.  Nervous.

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