Monday, November 12, 2018

I'm Back!

It's been a little while. The end of August, September and October were tough months with the new boss starting and dissertation writing. November is looking up, though! I'm defending my thesis next Tuesday, November 20, which I'm super excited about.  And, I have a big job interview tomorrow for a Director position!  I'm pretty sure that the school has a strong internal candidate, so I don't have high hopes for getting the position, but it's a seven hour interview, so who knows? I also applied for a director position at another school and got an email from them the other day saying that they are almost done going through resumes and hope I'm still interested!  It's a nice confidence boost, since my own school wasn't interested in interviewing me for the position.  Anyhow, the new director is a nice guy, which is fortunate.  And hopefully in a month and three days I will be a doctor!  (EdD, that is)

I have done some exercise, but not enough.  I climbed Monadnock, that's the only big hiking I've done.  I'm really out of shape.  The last week and a half I've been working on getting back into some shape, and it's killing me!  Today I did the Rock Circuit trail, which was really nice, as always.  It was a beautiful fall day, there were crunch leaves on the ground, and it was nice being out walking.  Last week I went to this "pound" class where they give you drum sticks and you pound on the floor, it was a lot of lunges and such. It was kind of fun, and kind of hard.  The instructor was super perky, which I'm not so crazy about....

I'm still working on the swimming thing.  My teacher said that I breathe like I'm taking my last breath, and that's why I'm struggling.  Could be.  OK, off to prep!

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